Henpecked (adjective) /ˈhen.pekt/
› A henpecked man is controlled by and a little frightened of a woman, especially his wife. 懼內的,妻管嚴的
*dis-: away
eg. Discreet (adjective) /dɪˈskriːt/
› careful not to cause embarrassment or attract too much attention, especially by keeping something secret 審慎的,謹慎的,小心的
*cret- : sure, separate
eg. Indiscreet (adjective)
› not discreet; lacking prudence, good judgment, or circumspection
eg. advent (noun) /ˈæd.vent/
› the arrival of an event, invention or person
*op- against
eg. Oppress (verb)
› to govern people in an unfair and cruel way and prevent them from having opportunities and freedom 壓迫;壓制;欺壓
*ir- not
eg. irrevocable (adjective) /ɪˈrev.ə.kə.bl̩/
› impossible to change不可改變的
*par- make ready
eg. Irreparable (adjective) /ɪˈrep.rə.bl̩/
› impossible to repair or make right again不能修復的,無可挽救的