Utopian and dystopian fiction:
The utopia and its offshoot, the dystopia, are genres of literature that explore social and political structures. Utopian fiction is the creation of an ideal society, or utopia, as the setting for a novel. Dystopian fiction (sometimes combined with, but distinct from apocalyptic literature) is the opposite: creation of an utterly horrible or degraded society that is generally headed to an irreversible oblivion, or dystopia. Many novels combine both, often as a metaphor(隱喻) for the different directions humanity can take in its choices, ending up with one of two possible futures. Both utopias and dystopias are commonly found in science fiction and other speculative fiction genres, and arguably are by definition a type of speculative fiction.
The Devil's Advocate魔鬼代言人(movie) - Trailer
The Pietà (Italian pronunciation: [pjeˈta]) is a subject in Christian art depicting the Virgin Mary cradling the dead body of Jesus , most often found in sculpture. As such, it is a particular form of the Lamentation of Christ, a scene from the Passion of Christ found in cycles of the Life of Christ. When Christ and the Virgin are surrounded by other figures from the New Testament, the subject is strictly called a Lamentation in English, although Pietà is often used for this as well, and is the normal term in Italian.
*Bureau (noun) /ˈbjʊə.rəʊ/
→1. an organization or a business that collects or provides information
2. a government organization
eg. the Federal Bureau of Investigation聯邦調查局
*strike (verb)
→ to refuse to continue working because of an argument with an employer about working conditions, pay levels or job losses 罷工
*Senator (noun) /ˈsen.ə.tər/
→ a politician who has been elected to a Senate 參議員
*Advocate (verb) /ˈæd.və.keɪt/
→ to publicly support or suggest an idea, development or way of doing something 主張;擁護;支持;提倡
*defendant (noun) /dɪˈfen.dənt/
→ a person in a law case who is accused of having done something illegal 被告,被告人
*Attorney (noun) /əˈtɜː.ni/
→ US for lawyer律師
*a defense attorney
*an attorney for the plaintiff
*a civil/criminal attorney
*Verdict (noun) /ˈvɜː.dɪkt/
→ an opinion or decision made after judging the facts that are given, especially one made at the end of a trial (根據事實作出的)意見,決定;(尤指)判決,裁決
*Jury (noun) /ˈdʒʊə.ri/
→ a group of people who have been chosen to listen to all the facts in a trial in a law court and to decide whether a person is guilty or not guilty, or whether a claim has been proved 陪審團
*demon -: spirit, divine power
eg. democracy (noun) /dɪˈmɒk.rə.si/
→the belief in freedom and equality between people, or a system of government based on this belief, in which power is either held by elected representatives or directly by the people themselves 民主;民主思想;民主政體
eg. Demon (noun) /ˈdiː.mən/
→ 1. an evil spirit惡魔,魔鬼
2. a person who does a particular activity with great skill or energy 技法純熟者;幹勁十足的人
3. a person who behaves very badly壞蛋;淘氣鬼
4. a negative feeling which causes you to worry or behave badly 灰暗心理,頹廢心理