Femme fatale

A femme fatale (/ˌfæm fəˈtɑːl/ or /ˌfɛm fəˈtɑːl/; French: [fam fatal]) is a stock character of a mysterious and seductive woman whose charms ensnare her lovers, often leading them into compromising, dangerous, and deadly situations.


The phrase is French for "fatal woman". A femme fatale tries to achieve her hidden purpose by using feminine wiles such as beauty, charm, and sexual allure. In some situations, she uses lies or coercion rather than charm. She may also make use of some subduing weapon such as sleeping gas,


Salome in a painting by Franz von Stuck




*Anteroom (noun)   /ˈæn.ti.rʊm/       

a small room, especially a waiting room, which leads into a larger, more important room (通往較大、較重要房間的)前廳,接待室,候見室


*tailor-made(adjective)   /ˌteɪ.ləˈmeɪd/      

specially made for a particular purpose特製的,訂做的


be tailor-made for sth

to have all the right skills and abilities for a particular task 正好適合(某工作)

eg. It sounds as though you're tailor-made for the job.


*extracurricular (adjective)   /ˌek.strə.kəˈrɪk.jʊ.lər/   

describes an activity or subject that is not part of the usual school or college course






* -itis: inflammation

eg. arthritis (noun)   /ɑːˈθraɪ.tɪs/ 

a serious condition in which a person's joints (= places where two bones are connected) become painful, swollen and stiff 關節炎

eg. Sinusitis (noun)

inflammation of a sinus or the sinuses.

eg. Bronchitis (noun)

acute or chronic inflammation of the membrane lining of the bronchial tubes, caused by respiratory infection or exposure to bronchial irritants, as cigarette smoke.


*Vit-:  life

eg. vital

eg. vitamin


*viv -: live

eg. vivid (adjective)

eg. revive (verb)   /rɪˈvaɪv/       

to come or bring something back to life, health, existence, or use (使)甦醒;(使)復原;(使)復興;(使)重新流行


*sym- / syn-:  with, together

eg. Symphony (noun)  /ˈsɪm.fə.ni/       

a long piece of music for an orchestra, usually with four movements (= parts) 交響樂,交響曲 

eg. Symbol (noun)  /ˈsɪm.bəl/       

a sign, shape or object which is used to represent something else 標誌,象徵

eg. Symbiosis (noun)  /ˌsɪm.baɪˈəʊ.sɪs/

specialized a relationship between two types of animal or plant in which each provides for the other the conditions necessary for its continued existence (動物或植物間的)共生

eg. Syndrome (noun)  /ˈsɪn.drəʊm/

a combination of medical problems that commonly go together, which might show the existence of a particular disease or mental condition 併發症,症候群,綜合症狀



SARS coronavirus:

The SARS coronavirus, sometimes shortened to SARS-CoV, is the virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

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